➲ Talk about history!: The Finchley Charities Visual Identity Guide
The Finchley Charities undertook a massive rebrand of their visual identity which encompassed everything from their stationery, to their website, internal documents, wayfinder system and external signage.
Email us to see how we can help you.
➲ The “posh pound shop”: Flying Tiger Copenhagen
We worked with FTC from 2008 to 2019 managing their in-store and POS graphics throughout their 80+ stores, across the UK, NI and Ireland along with writing copy and updating their regional websites.
If you’d like to know more about how we could help you with your visual retail offering, get in touch.
➲ This stuff matters: The Prorogation of Parliament in 2019
On 28 August 2019, the Parliament of the United Kingdom was ordered to be prorogued by Queen Elizabeth II on the advice of the Conservative prime minister, Boris Johnson—advice which was later ruled unlawful.
We produced these eye catching graphics for Best for Britain as part of the protest outside the Supreme Court and they caught the eye of every picture editor across the UK news media.
We also understand that examples of these placards were requested to be delivered to a museum is Brussels to be included in their Brexit archive.
Have you something important to shout about? Get in touch to discuss how we can help get your important message out there.
➲ There’s a method: Theatre Graphics
Graphics produced for Wireless Operator a one man play about the wireless operator on a World War 2 Lancaster bomber, directed by Bob Baldwin and written by Max Kinnings.
Are you planning a production and need input on your poster, programme and other marketing materials? Send us an email.
➲ People power: Demonstrations
Do you need to get people together to have their voices heard? We can help with the visual branding of your event. Contact us to discuss.