➲ Read: Best for Britain’s 2024 General Election Report

Detailed report of all the work Best for Britain did from December 2019 to July 2024 to advise the public on tactical voting helping bring about Labour’s historic win and a change of government in the UK.

Best for Britain election timeline

Get in touch to find out what we can to help you with your reports, brochures, booklets programmes and infographics.

Newspaper headlines designed to look distressed
Some the infographics and charts from the election report

➲ Pint, please: A Healthy Perspective On Beer

Report designed for BBPA combines up-to-date, accurate data, expertise, and inspiring case studies to highlight the positive role that beer can contribute to a balanced lifestyle in healthy adults when consumed in moderation and the impact to our wellbeing of doing so in the great British pub thanks to the opportunities for social interactions and human connection that this environment provides.

Get in touch to see how we can help you with your reports, brochures and booklets.

➲ One of a kind: Trade Unlocked

Logo and brand design for Trade Unlocked at Birmingham NEC June 2023.

Trade Unlocked 2023 was a national conference that brought together businesses of all sizes to discuss and address the challenges of the current trading environment. It was a conference that provided a platform for businesses small and large to engage with business leaders, trade experts, policy makers, and trade body representatives.